func runtime.throw

680 uses

	runtime (current package)
		arena.go#L113: 		throw("arena_New: non-pointer type")
		arena.go#L205: 		throw("user arena chunk size is not a multiple of the page size")
		arena.go#L208: 		throw("user arena chunk size is not a multiple of the physical page size")
		arena.go#L212: 			throw("user arena chunk size is smaller than a heap arena, but doesn't divide it")
		arena.go#L216: 			throw("user arena chunks size is larger than a heap arena, but not a multiple")
		arena.go#L328: 		throw("full list doesn't match refs list in length")
		arena.go#L379: 			throw("wasted too much memory in an arena chunk")
		arena.go#L404: 			throw("out of memory")
		arena.go#L442: 			throw("out of memory")
		arena.go#L463: 		throw("malloc deadlock")
		arena.go#L466: 		throw("malloc during signal")
		arena.go#L490: 		throw("arena chunk needs zeroing, but should already be zeroed")
		arena.go#L501: 			throw("mallocgc called without a P or outside bootstrapping")
		arena.go#L609: 					throw("userArenaHeapBitsSetType: pointer entry not correct")
		arena.go#L614: 			throw("userArenaHeapBitsSetType: extra pointer")
		arena.go#L637: 		throw("newUserArenaChunk called with gcphase == _GCmarktermination")
		arena.go#L651: 		throw("malloc deadlock")
		arena.go#L654: 		throw("malloc during signal")
		arena.go#L664: 		throw("out of memory")
		arena.go#L699: 			throw("newUserArenaChunk called without a P or outside bootstrapping")
		arena.go#L732: 		throw("user arena chunk is not aligned to the physical page size")
		arena.go#L759: 		throw("invalid span in heapArena for user arena")
		arena.go#L762: 		throw("span on userArena.faultList has invalid size")
		arena.go#L840: 		throw("span is not for a user arena")
		arena.go#L843: 		throw("invalid user arena span size")
		arena.go#L917: 			throw("sysAlloc size is not divisible by userArenaChunkBytes")
		asan0.go#L19: func asanread(addr unsafe.Pointer, sz uintptr)            { throw("asan") }
		asan0.go#L20: func asanwrite(addr unsafe.Pointer, sz uintptr)           { throw("asan") }
		asan0.go#L21: func asanunpoison(addr unsafe.Pointer, sz uintptr)        { throw("asan") }
		asan0.go#L22: func asanpoison(addr unsafe.Pointer, sz uintptr)          { throw("asan") }
		asan0.go#L23: func asanregisterglobals(addr unsafe.Pointer, sz uintptr) { throw("asan") }
		cgo.go#L54: func cgoUse(any) { throw("cgoUse should not be called") }
		cgocall.go#L126: 		throw("cgocall unavailable")
		cgocall.go#L130: 		throw("cgocall nil")
		cgocall.go#L257: 		throw("m changed unexpectedly in cgocallbackg")
		cgocall.go#L365: 	throw("misaligned stack in cgocallback")
		cgocall.go#L370: 	throw("cgo not implemented")
		cgocall.go#L446: 			throw("can't happen")
		cgocall.go#L469: 		throw("can't happen")
		cgocall.go#L474: 				throw("can't happen")
		cgocall.go#L544: 				throw("can't happen")
		cgocheck.go#L67: 		throw(cgoWriteBarrierFail)
		cgocheck.go#L188: 			throw(cgoWriteBarrierFail)
		cgocheck.go#L220: 					throw(cgoWriteBarrierFail)
		cgocheck.go#L254: 		throw("can't happen")
		chan.go#L77: 		throw("makechan: invalid channel element type")
		chan.go#L80: 		throw("makechan: bad alignment")
		chan.go#L166: 		throw("unreachable")
		chan.go#L268: 		throw("G waiting list is corrupted")
		chan.go#L281: 			throw("chansend: spurious wakeup")
		chan.go#L470: 		throw("unreachable")
		chan.go#L587: 		throw("G waiting list is corrupted")
		checkptr.go#L20: 		throw("checkptr: misaligned pointer conversion")
		checkptr.go#L26: 		throw("checkptr: converted pointer straddles multiple allocations")
		checkptr.go#L52: 		throw("checkptr: pointer arithmetic computed bad pointer value")
		checkptr.go#L69: 	throw("checkptr: pointer arithmetic result points to invalid allocation")
		covermeta.go#L53: 			throw("runtime.addCovMeta: coverage package map collision")
		debugcall.go#L135: 			throw("inconsistent lockedm")
		debuglog.go#L80: 			throw("failed to allocate debug log")
		debuglog.go#L151: 		throw("record too large")
		debuglog.go#L284: 			throw("not a pointer type")
		debuglog.go#L406: 			throw("record wrapped around")
		env_posix.go#L12: 		throw("getenv before env init")
		error.go#L313: 		throw("panicwrap: no ( in " + name)
		error.go#L317: 		throw("panicwrap: unexpected string after package name: " + name)
		error.go#L322: 		throw("panicwrap: no ) in " + name)
		error.go#L325: 		throw("panicwrap: unexpected string after type name: " + name)
		exithook.go#L43: 		throw("internal error: exit hook invoked exit")
		exithook.go#L64: 			throw("internal error: exit hook invoked panic")
		heapdump.go#L416: 			throw("dumpgs in STW - bad status")
		heapdump.go#L488: 			throw("freemark array doesn't have enough entries")
		heapdump.go#L732: 			throw("heapdump: out of memory")
		iface.go#L36: 		throw("internal error - misuse of itab")
		iface.go#L128: 		throw("malloc deadlock")
		iface.go#L146: 			throw("mismatched count during itab table copy")
		iface.go#L533: 	throw("unreachable method called. linker bug?")
		lfstack.go#L29: 		throw("lfstack.push")
		lfstack.go#L62: 		throw("lfstack node allocated from the heap")
		lfstack.go#L67: 		throw("bad lfnode address")
		lock_futex.go#L55: 		throw("runtime·lock: lock count")
		lock_futex.go#L118: 		throw("unlock of unlocked lock")
		lock_futex.go#L127: 		throw("runtime·unlock: lock count")
		lock_futex.go#L143: 		throw("notewakeup - double wakeup")
		lock_futex.go#L151: 		throw("notesleep not on g0")
		lock_futex.go#L222: 		throw("notetsleep not on g0")
		lock_futex.go#L233: 		throw("notetsleepg on g0")
		malloc.go#L377: 		throw("bad TinySizeClass")
		malloc.go#L383: 		throw("heapArenaBitmapWords not a power of 2")
		malloc.go#L389: 		throw("failed to get system page size")
		malloc.go#L393: 		throw("bad system page size")
		malloc.go#L397: 		throw("bad system page size")
		malloc.go#L401: 		throw("bad system page size")
		malloc.go#L405: 		throw("bad system huge page size")
		malloc.go#L423: 		throw("bad pagesPerSpanRoot")
		malloc.go#L427: 		throw("bad pagesPerReclaimerChunk")
		malloc.go#L431: 		throw("taggedPointerbits too small")
		malloc.go#L683: 			throw("too many address space collisions for -race mode")
		malloc.go#L718: 			throw("memory reservation exceeds address space limit")
		malloc.go#L723: 		throw("misrounded allocation in sysAlloc")
		malloc.go#L741: 				throw("out of memory allocating heap arena map")
		malloc.go#L752: 			throw("arena already initialized")
		malloc.go#L759: 				throw("out of memory allocating heap arena metadata")
		malloc.go#L772: 					throw("out of memory allocating allArenas")
		malloc.go#L828: 				throw("failed to allocate aligned heap memory; too many retries")
		malloc.go#L927: 			throw("s.allocCount != s.nelems && freeIndex == s.nelems")
		malloc.go#L937: 		throw("freeIndex is not valid")
		malloc.go#L944: 		throw("s.allocCount > s.nelems")
		malloc.go#L954: 		throw("mallocgc called with gcphase == _GCmarktermination")
		malloc.go#L1011: 		throw("malloc deadlock")
		malloc.go#L1014: 		throw("malloc during signal")
		malloc.go#L1022: 		throw("mallocgc called without a P or outside bootstrapping")
		malloc.go#L1222: 			throw("delayed zeroing on data that may contain pointers")
		malloc.go#L1361: 		throw("profilealloc called without a P or outside bootstrapping")
		malloc.go#L1482: 		throw("persistentalloc: size == 0")
		malloc.go#L1486: 			throw("persistentalloc: align is not a power of 2")
		malloc.go#L1489: 			throw("persistentalloc: align is too large")
		malloc.go#L1514: 			throw("runtime: cannot allocate memory")
		map.go#L828: 		throw("hash_iter size incorrect") // see cmd/compile/internal/reflectdata/reflect.go
		map.go#L1085: 			throw("oldoverflow is not nil")
		map.go#L1202: 					throw("bad map state")
		map.go#L1235: 					throw("bad evacuatedN")
		map.go#L1313: 		throw("runtime.reflect_makemap: unsupported map key type")
		map.go#L1317: 		throw("key size wrong")
		map.go#L1321: 		throw("elem size wrong")
		map.go#L1324: 		throw("key align too big")
		map.go#L1327: 		throw("elem align too big")
		map.go#L1330: 		throw("key size not a multiple of key align")
		map.go#L1333: 		throw("elem size not a multiple of elem align")
		map.go#L1336: 		throw("bucketsize too small for proper alignment")
		map.go#L1339: 		throw("need padding in bucket (key)")
		map.go#L1342: 		throw("need padding in bucket (elem)")
		map_fast32.go#L407: 					throw("bad map state")
		map_fast64.go#L409: 					throw("bad map state")
		map_faststr.go#L435: 					throw("bad map state")
		mbitmap.go#L145: 		throw("s.freeindex > s.nelems")
		mbitmap.go#L217: 		throw("bad magic division")
		mbitmap.go#L274: 		throw("markBitsForSpan: unaligned start")
		mbitmap.go#L321: 	throw("found bad pointer in Go heap (incorrect use of unsafe or cgo?)")
		mbitmap.go#L543: 		throw("bulkBarrierPreWrite: unaligned arguments")
		mbitmap.go#L613: 		throw("bulkBarrierPreWrite: unaligned arguments")
		mbitmap.go#L690: 		throw("runtime: typeBitsBulkBarrier without type")
		mbitmap.go#L694: 		throw("runtime: invalid typeBitsBulkBarrier")
		mbitmap.go#L698: 		throw("runtime: invalid typeBitsBulkBarrier")
		mbitmap.go#L950: 		throw("heapBitsSetType: dataSize not a multiple of typ.Size")
		mbitmap.go#L962: 				throw("heapBitsSetType: pointer bit missing")
		mbitmap.go#L966: 				throw("heapBitsSetType: second pointer bit found")
		mbitmap.go#L1104: 					throw("heapBitsSetType: pointer entry not correct")
		mbitmap.go#L1109: 			throw("heapBitsSetType: extra pointer")
		mbitmap.go#L1128: 		throw("progToPointerMask: overflow")
		mcache.go#L152: 		throw("refill of span with free space remaining")
		mcache.go#L157: 			throw("bad sweepgen in refill")
		mcache.go#L184: 		throw("out of memory")
		mcache.go#L188: 		throw("span has no free space")
		mcache.go#L221: 		throw("out of memory")
		mcache.go#L236: 		throw("out of memory")
		mcache.go#L326: 		throw("bad flushGen")
		mcentral.go#L178: 		throw("span has no free objects")
		mcentral.go#L198: 		throw("uncaching span but s.allocCount == 0")
		mcheckmark.go#L50: 				throw("out of memory allocating checkmarks bitmap")
		mcheckmark.go#L67: 		throw("GC work not flushed")
		mcheckmark.go#L88: 		throw("checkmark found unmarked object")
		mem_linux.go#L46: 		throw("unaligned sysUnused")
		mem_linux.go#L79: 			throw("runtime: cannot disable permissions in address space")
		mem_linux.go#L88: 			throw("runtime: out of memory")
		mem_linux.go#L91: 			throw("runtime: cannot remap pages in address space")
		mem_linux.go#L114: 		throw("unaligned sysNoHugePageOS")
		mem_linux.go#L123: 		throw("unaligned sysHugePageCollapseOS")
		mem_linux.go#L167: 		throw("runtime: out of memory")
		mem_linux.go#L171: 		throw("runtime: cannot map pages in arena address space")
		metrics.go#L497: 		throw("runtime: unexpected metric registration for " + name)
		mfinal.go#L102: 		throw("queuefinalizer during GC")
		mfinal.go#L120: 					throw("finalizer out of sync")
		mfinal.go#L225: 					throw("missing type in runfinq")
		mfinal.go#L252: 					throw("bad kind in runfinq")
		mfinal.go#L397: 		throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: first argument is nil")
		mfinal.go#L400: 		throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: first argument is " + toRType(etyp).string() + ", not pointer")
		mfinal.go#L404: 		throw("nil elem type!")
		mfinal.go#L409: 		throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: first argument was allocated into an arena")
		mfinal.go#L419: 		throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: pointer not in allocated block")
		mfinal.go#L426: 			throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: pointer not at beginning of allocated block")
		mfinal.go#L441: 		throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: second argument is " + toRType(ftyp).string() + ", not a function")
		mfinal.go#L445: 		throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: cannot pass " + toRType(etyp).string() + " to finalizer " + toRType(ftyp).string() + " because dotdotdot")
		mfinal.go#L448: 		throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: cannot pass " + toRType(etyp).string() + " to finalizer " + toRType(ftyp).string())
		mfinal.go#L471: 	throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: cannot pass " + toRType(etyp).string() + " to finalizer " + toRType(ftyp).string())
		mfinal.go#L485: 			throw("runtime.SetFinalizer: finalizer already set")
		mfixalloc.go#L58: 		throw("runtime: fixalloc size too large")
		mfixalloc.go#L79: 		throw("runtime: internal error")
		mgc.go#L176: 		throw("size of Workbuf is suboptimal")
		mgc.go#L663: 			throw("p mcache not flushed")
		mgc.go#L1004: 		throw("gc done but gcphase != _GCoff")
		mgc.go#L1084: 		throw("failed to set sweep barrier")
		mgc.go#L1335: 			throw("gcBgMarkWorker: blackening not enabled")
		mgc.go#L1339: 			throw("gcBgMarkWorker: mode not set")
		mgc.go#L1352: 			throw("work.nwait was > work.nproc")
		mgc.go#L1366: 				throw("gcBgMarkWorker: unexpected gcMarkWorkerMode")
		mgc.go#L1409: 			throw("work.nwait > work.nproc")
		mgc.go#L1457: 		throw("in gcMark expecting to see gcphase as _GCmarktermination")
		mgc.go#L1513: 			throw("P has cached GC work at end of mark termination")
		mgc.go#L1550: 		throw("gcSweep being done but phase is not GCoff")
		mgc.go#L1761: 			throw("already have a reachable special (duplicate pointer?)")
		mgc.go#L1778: 			throw("IsReachable failed")
		mgclimit.go#L103: 		throw("failed to acquire lock to start a GC transition")
		mgclimit.go#L106: 		throw("transitioning GC to the same state as before?")
		mgclimit.go#L123: 		throw("finishGCTransition called without starting one?")
		mgclimit.go#L171: 		throw("update during transition")
		mgclimit.go#L223: 				throw("invalid limiter event type found")
		mgclimit.go#L309: 		throw("double unlock")
		mgclimit.go#L324: 		throw("failed to acquire lock to reset capacity")
		mgclimit.go#L454: 			throw("limiterEvent.stop: found wrong event in p's limiter event slot")
		mgclimit.go#L482: 		throw("limiterEvent.stop: invalid limiter event type found")
		mgcmark.go#L124: 		throw("left over markroot jobs")
		mgcmark.go#L142: 			throw("scan missed a g")
		mgcmark.go#L201: 			throw("markroot: bad index")
		mgcmark.go#L238: 				throw("g already scanned")
		mgcmark.go#L267: 		throw("rootBlockBytes must be a multiple of 8*ptrSize")
		mgcmark.go#L365: 				throw("non in-use span found with specials bit set")
		mgcmark.go#L371: 				throw("gc: unswept span")
		mgcmark.go#L559: 		throw("nwait > work.nprocs")
		mgcmark.go#L587: 		throw("work.nwait > work.nproc")
		mgcmark.go#L737: 		throw("scanstack - bad status")
		mgcmark.go#L743: 		throw("mark - bad status")
		mgcmark.go#L748: 		throw("scanstack: goroutine not stopped")
		mgcmark.go#L754: 		throw("can't scan our own stack")
		mgcmark.go#L910: 		throw("remaining pointer buffers")
		mgcmark.go#L1038: 		throw("gcDrain phase incorrect")
		mgcmark.go#L1152: 		throw("gcDrainN phase incorrect")
		mgcmark.go#L1271: 		throw("scanobject n == 0")
		mgcmark.go#L1276: 		throw("scanobject of a noscan object")
		mgcmark.go#L1395: 					throw("misaligned mask")
		mgcmark.go#L1461: 		throw("greyobject: obj not pointer-aligned")
		mgcmark.go#L1476: 			throw("marking free object")
		mgcmark.go#L1566: 		throw("gcmarknewobject called while doing checkmark")
		mgcpacer.go#L733: 		throw("gcControllerState.findRunnable: blackening not enabled")
		mgcpacer.go#L853: 		throw("markWorkerStop: unknown mark worker mode")
		mgcpacer.go#L1161: 		throw("produced a trigger greater than the heap goal")
		mgcpacer.go#L1331: 		throw("malformed GOMEMLIMIT; see `go doc runtime/debug.SetMemoryLimit`")
		mgcpacer.go#L1357: 			throw("negative idle mark workers")
		mgcpacer.go#L1387: 			throw("negative idle mark workers")
		mgcpacer.go#L1407: 			throw("negative idle mark workers")
		mgcscavenge.go#L358: 		throw("scavenger state is already wired")
		mgcscavenge.go#L422: 		throw("tried to park scavenger from another goroutine")
		mgcscavenge.go#L468: 		throw("tried to sleep scavenger from another goroutine")
		mgcscavenge.go#L579: 		throw("tried to run scavenger from another goroutine")
		mgcscavenge.go#L639: 		throw("released less than one physical page of memory")
		mgcscavenge.go#L866: 		throw("bad m value")
		mgcscavenge.go#L903: 		throw("min must be a non-zero power of 2")
		mgcscavenge.go#L906: 		throw("min too large")
		mgcscavenge.go#L1368: 		throw("too many pages allocated in chunk?")
		mgcscavenge.go#L1385: 		throw("allocated pages below zero?")
		mgcstack.go#L206: 		throw("address not a stack address")
		mgcstack.go#L282: 		throw("objects added out of order or overlapping")
		mgcsweep.go#L167: 		throw("sweeper left outstanding across sweep generations")
		mgcsweep.go#L172: 			throw("mismatched begin/end of activeSweep")
		mgcsweep.go#L249: 		throw("active sweepers found at start of mark phase")
		mgcsweep.go#L341: 		throw("use of invalid sweepLocker")
		mgcsweep.go#L386: 				throw("non in-use span in unswept list")
		mgcsweep.go#L468: 		throw("mspan.ensureSwept: m is not locked")
		mgcsweep.go#L507: 		throw("mspan.sweep: m is not locked")
		mgcsweep.go#L520: 		throw("mspan.sweep: bad span state")
		mgcsweep.go#L656: 		throw("sweep increased allocation count")
		mgcsweep.go#L683: 		throw("mspan.sweep: bad span state after sweep")
		mgcsweep.go#L686: 		throw("swept cached span")
		mgcsweep.go#L705: 			throw("sweep: tried to preserve a user arena span")
		mgcsweep.go#L726: 				throw("user arena span is on the wrong list")
		mgcsweep.go#L861: 	throw("found pointer to free object")
		mgcwork.go#L28: 		throw("bad workbufAlloc")
		mgcwork.go#L338: 		throw("workbuf is empty")
		mgcwork.go#L344: 		throw("workbuf is not empty")
		mgcwork.go#L381: 				throw("out of memory")
		mgcwork.go#L456: 		throw("cannot free workbufs when work.full != 0")
		mheap.go#L547: 			throw("runtime: cannot allocate memory")
		mheap.go#L992: 		throw("manual span allocation called with non-manually-managed type")
		mheap.go#L1064: 				throw("potentially overlapping in-use allocations detected")
		mheap.go#L1238: 				throw("grew heap, but no adequate free space found")
		mheap.go#L1257: 				throw("grew heap, but no adequate free space found")
		mheap.go#L1597: 			throw("mheap.freeSpanLocked - invalid stack free")
		mheap.go#L1601: 			throw("mheap.freeSpanLocked - invalid free of user arena chunk")
		mheap.go#L1605: 			throw("mheap.freeSpanLocked - invalid free")
		mheap.go#L1613: 		throw("mheap.freeSpanLocked - invalid span state")
		mheap.go#L1713: 		throw("mSpanList.remove")
		mheap.go#L1737: 		throw("mSpanList.insert")
		mheap.go#L1755: 		throw("mSpanList.insertBack")
		mheap.go#L1841: 		throw("addspecial on invalid pointer")
		mheap.go#L1876: 		throw("removespecial on invalid pointer")
		mheap.go#L2006: 		throw("setprofilebucket: profile already set")
		mheap.go#L2077: 		throw("bad special kind")
		mheap.go#L2180: 		throw("markBits overflow")
		mheap.go#L2243: 			throw("runtime: cannot allocate memory")
		mpagealloc.go#L312: 		throw("root level max pages doesn't fit in summary")
		mpagealloc.go#L406: 				throw("pageAlloc: out of memory")
		mpagealloc.go#L720: 			throw("range partially overlaps")
		mpagealloc.go#L832: 		throw("bad summary data")
		mpagealloc.go#L850: 		throw("bad summary data")
		mpagealloc.go#L895: 				throw("bad summary data")
		mpagealloc_64bit.go#L81: 			throw("failed to reserve page summary memory")
		mpagealloc_64bit.go#L103: 		throw("sysGrow bounds not aligned to pallocChunkBytes")
		mpagealloc_64bit.go#L194: 		throw("sysGrow bounds not aligned to pallocChunkBytes")
		mpagecache.go#L135: 			throw("bad summary data")
		mprof.go#L218: 		throw("invalid profile bucket type")
		mprof.go#L240: 		throw("bad use of")
		mprof.go#L249: 		throw("bad use of bucket.bp")
		mprof.go#L265: 				throw("runtime: cannot allocate memory")
		mprof.go#L1008: 		throw("no P available, write barriers are forbidden")
		mprof.go#L1068: 		throw("cannot read stack of running goroutine")
		mranges.go#L36: 		throw("addr range base and limit are not in the same memory segment")
		mranges.go#L64: 		throw("bad prune")
		mranges.go#L350: 		throw("attempted to add zero-sized address range")
		msan0.go#L19: func msanread(addr unsafe.Pointer, sz uintptr)     { throw("msan") }
		msan0.go#L20: func msanwrite(addr unsafe.Pointer, sz uintptr)    { throw("msan") }
		msan0.go#L21: func msanmalloc(addr unsafe.Pointer, sz uintptr)   { throw("msan") }
		msan0.go#L22: func msanfree(addr unsafe.Pointer, sz uintptr)     { throw("msan") }
		msan0.go#L23: func msanmove(dst, src unsafe.Pointer, sz uintptr) { throw("msan") }
		mspanset.go#L234: 		throw("attempt to clear non-empty span set")
		mspanset.go#L251: 				throw("span set block with unpopped elements found in reset")
		mspanset.go#L257: 				throw("fully empty unfreed span set block found in reset")
		mspanset.go#L381: 		throw("headTailIndex overflow")
		mstats.go#L343: 		throw("memstats.heapStats not aligned to 8 bytes")
		mstats.go#L349: 		throw("heapStatsDelta not a multiple of 8 bytes in size")
		mstats.go#L461: 		throw("heapInUse and consistent stats are not equal")
		mstats.go#L466: 		throw("heapReleased and consistent stats are not equal")
		mstats.go#L473: 		throw("measures of the retained heap are not equal")
		mstats.go#L478: 		throw("totalAlloc and consistent stats are not equal")
		mstats.go#L483: 		throw("totalFree and consistent stats are not equal")
		mstats.go#L493: 		throw("mappedReady and other memstats are not equal")
		mstats.go#L571: 		throw("short slice passed to readGCStats")
		mstats.go#L653: 		throw("sysMemStat overflow")
		mstats.go#L774: 			throw("bad sequence number")
		mstats.go#L803: 			throw("bad sequence number")
		mwbbuf.go#L91: 		throw("bad write barrier buffer bounds")
		netpoll.go#L241: 		throw("runtime: blocked write on free polldesc")
		netpoll.go#L245: 		throw("runtime: blocked read on free polldesc")
		netpoll.go#L275: 		throw("runtime: close polldesc w/o unblock")
		netpoll.go#L279: 		throw("runtime: blocked write on closing polldesc")
		netpoll.go#L283: 		throw("runtime: blocked read on closing polldesc")
		netpoll.go#L449: 		throw("runtime: unblock on closing polldesc")
		netpoll.go#L556: 			throw("runtime: double wait")
		netpoll.go#L569: 		throw("runtime: corrupted polldesc")
		netpoll.go#L619: 			throw("runtime: inconsistent read deadline")
		netpoll.go#L628: 			throw("runtime: inconsistent write deadline")
		netpoll_epoll.go#L28: 		throw("runtime: netpollinit failed")
		netpoll_epoll.go#L33: 		throw("runtime: pipe failed")
		netpoll_epoll.go#L42: 		throw("runtime: epollctl failed")
		netpoll_epoll.go#L66: 	throw("runtime: unused")
		netpoll_epoll.go#L89: 		throw("runtime: netpollBreak write failed")
		netpoll_epoll.go#L122: 			throw("runtime: netpoll failed")
		netpoll_epoll.go#L141: 				throw("runtime: netpoll: break fd ready for something unexpected")
		os_linux.go#L195: 		throw("newosproc")
		os_linux.go#L560: 				throw("sigaction failed")
		os_linux.go#L646: 			throw("timer_delete")
		os_linux.go#L696: 		throw("timer_settime")
		panic.go#L58: 		throw(msg)
		panic.go#L64: 		throw(msg)
		panic.go#L78: 		throw(err)
		panic.go#L275: 		throw("defer on system stack")
		panic.go#L280: 		throw("deferproc: d.panic != nil after newdefer")
		panic.go#L312: 		throw("defer on system stack")
		panic.go#L438: 	throw("freedefer with d._panic != nil")
		panic.go#L443: 	throw("freedefer with d.fn != nil")
		panic.go#L463: 				throw("unfinished open-coded defers in deferreturn")
		panic.go#L528: 				throw("unfinished open-coded defers in Goexit")
		panic.go#L554: 			throw("bad defer entry in Goexit")
		panic.go#L574: 			throw(text + ": " + r)
		panic.go#L576: 			throw(text + ": type " + toRType(efaceOf(&r)._type).string())
		panic.go#L672: 						throw("duplicated defer entry")
		panic.go#L690: 				throw("missing deferreturn")
		panic.go#L840: 		throw("panic on system stack")
		panic.go#L847: 		throw("panic during malloc")
		panic.go#L856: 		throw("panic during preemptoff")
		panic.go#L862: 		throw("panic holding locks")
		panic.go#L926: 			throw("bad defer entry in panic")
		panic.go#L948: 				throw("bypassed recovery failed") // mcall should not return
		panic.go#L1007: 			throw("recovery failed") // mcall should not return
		panic.go#L1056: 	throw(s)
		panic.go#L1070: func throw(s string) {
		panic.go#L1121: 		throw("bad recovery")
		pinner.go#L207: 			throw("runtime.Pinner: object already unpinned")
		pinner.go#L347: 		throw("runtime.Pinner: decreased non-existing pin counter")
		plugin.go#L20: 		throw("runtime: no plugin module data")
		plugin.go#L23: 		throw("runtime: plugin has empty pluginpath")
		plugin.go#L48: 			throw("plugin: new module data overlaps with previous moduledata")
		plugin.go#L122: 		throw("runtime: plugin has bad symbol table")
		preempt.go#L109: 		throw("suspendG from non-preemptible goroutine")
		preempt.go#L134: 			throw("invalid g status")
		preempt.go#L267: 		throw("unexpected g status")
		preempt.go#L335: 		throw("async stack too large")
		preempt.go#L439: 			throw("bad restart PC")
		proc.go#L183: 		throw("runtime.main not on m0")
		proc.go#L190: 		throw("nanotime returning zero")
		proc.go#L213: 			throw("_cgo_pthread_key_created missing")
		proc.go#L217: 			throw("_cgo_thread_start missing")
		proc.go#L221: 				throw("_cgo_setenv missing")
		proc.go#L224: 				throw("_cgo_unsetenv missing")
		proc.go#L228: 			throw("_cgo_notify_runtime_init_done missing")
		proc.go#L233: 			throw("set_crosscall2 missing")
		proc.go#L319: 			throw("forcegc: phase error")
		proc.go#L389: 		throw("gopark: bad g status")
		proc.go#L445: 		throw("acquireSudog: found s.elem != nil in cache")
		proc.go#L454: 		throw("runtime: sudog with non-nil elem")
		proc.go#L457: 		throw("runtime: sudog with non-false isSelect")
		proc.go#L460: 		throw("runtime: sudog with non-nil next")
		proc.go#L463: 		throw("runtime: sudog with non-nil prev")
		proc.go#L466: 		throw("runtime: sudog with non-nil waitlink")
		proc.go#L469: 		throw("runtime: sudog with non-nil c")
		proc.go#L473: 		throw("runtime: releaseSudog with non-nil gp.param")
		proc.go#L503: 	throw("runtime: mcall called on m->g0 stack")
		proc.go#L507: 	throw("runtime: mcall function returned")
		proc.go#L528: 	throw("ctxt != 0")
		proc.go#L564: 		throw("allgadd: bad status Gidle")
		proc.go#L762: 		throw("unknown runnable goroutine during bootstrap")
		proc.go#L802: 		throw("thread exhaustion")
		proc.go#L814: 		throw("runtime: thread ID overflow")
		proc.go#L901: 		throw("bad g->status in ready")
		proc.go#L992: 		throw("casfrom_Gscanstatus:top gp->status is not in scan state")
		proc.go#L1005: 		throw("casfrom_Gscanstatus: gp->status is not in scan state")
		proc.go#L1028: 	throw("castogscanstatus")
		proc.go#L1046: 			throw("casgstatus: bad incoming values")
		proc.go#L1061: 			throw("casgstatus: waiting for Gwaiting but is Grunnable")
		proc.go#L1158: 			throw("copystack: bad status, not Gwaiting or Grunnable")
		proc.go#L1172: 		throw("bad g transition")
		proc.go#L1184: 		throw("bad g transition")
		proc.go#L1360: 		throw("stopTheWorld: holding locks")
		proc.go#L1427: 		throw(bad)
		proc.go#L1465: 				throw("startTheWorld: inconsistent mp->nextp")
		proc.go#L1577: 		throw("bad runtime·mstart")
		proc.go#L1667: 		throw("locked m0 woke up")
		proc.go#L1691: 	throw("m not found in allm")
		proc.go#L1766: 		throw("forEachP: sched.safePointWait != 0")
		proc.go#L1827: 		throw("forEachP: not done")
		proc.go#L1831: 			throw("forEachP: P did not run fn")
		proc.go#L2415: 			throw("on a locked thread with no template thread")
		proc.go#L2438: 			throw("_cgo_thread_start missing")
		proc.go#L2524: 		throw("stopm holding locks")
		proc.go#L2527: 		throw("stopm holding p")
		proc.go#L2530: 		throw("stopm spinning")
		proc.go#L2589: 			throw("startm: P required for spinning=true")
		proc.go#L2638: 		throw("startm: m is spinning")
		proc.go#L2641: 		throw("startm: m has p")
		proc.go#L2644: 		throw("startm: p has runnable gs")
		proc.go#L2748: 			throw("wakep: negative nmspinning")
		proc.go#L2771: 		throw("stoplockedm: inconsistent locking")
		proc.go#L2785: 		throw("stoplockedm: not runnable")
		proc.go#L2798: 		throw("startlockedm: locked to me")
		proc.go#L2801: 		throw("startlockedm: m has p")
		proc.go#L2817: 		throw("gcstopm: not waiting for gc")
		proc.go#L2824: 			throw("gcstopm: negative nmspinning")
		proc.go#L3079: 		throw("findrunnable: wrong p")
		proc.go#L3124: 			throw("findrunnable: negative nmspinning")
		proc.go#L3172: 			throw("findrunnable: netpoll with p")
		proc.go#L3175: 			throw("findrunnable: netpoll with spinning")
		proc.go#L3456: 		throw("resetspinning: not a spinning m")
		proc.go#L3461: 		throw("findrunnable: negative nmspinning")
		proc.go#L3557: 		throw("schedule: holding locks")
		proc.go#L3568: 		throw("schedule: in cgo")
		proc.go#L3579: 		throw("schedule: spinning with local work")
		proc.go#L3752: 		throw("bad g status")
		proc.go#L3801: 		throw("bad g status")
		proc.go#L3810: 			throw("preempt at unknown pc")
		proc.go#L3814: 			throw("preempt SPWRITE")
		proc.go#L3903: 		throw("internal lockOSThread error")
		proc.go#L3941: 		throw("save on system g not allowed")
		proc.go#L4020: 			throw("entersyscall")
		proc.go#L4118: 			throw("entersyscallblock")
		proc.go#L4125: 			throw("entersyscallblock")
		proc.go#L4162: 		throw("exitsyscall: syscall frame is no longer valid")
		proc.go#L4509: 		throw("newproc1: newg missing stack")
		proc.go#L4513: 		throw("newproc1: new g is not Gdead")
		proc.go#L4626: 		throw("gfput: bad status (not Gdead)")
		proc.go#L4856: 	throw("runtime: internal error: misuse of lockOSThread/unlockOSThread")
		proc.go#L5061: 				throw("missing mcache?")
		proc.go#L5189: 		throw("procresize: invalid arg")
		proc.go#L5351: 		throw("wirep: already in go")
		proc.go#L5359: 		throw("wirep: invalid p state")
		proc.go#L5371: 		throw("releasep: invalid arg")
		proc.go#L5376: 		throw("releasep: invalid p state")
		proc.go#L5433: 		throw("checkdead: inconsistent counts")
		proc.go#L5451: 			throw("checkdead: runnable g")
		proc.go#L5470: 				throw("checkdead: no p for timer")
		proc.go#L5477: 				throw("checkdead: no m for timer")
		proc.go#L6100: 		throw("pidleput: P has non-empty run queue")
		proc.go#L6111: 		throw("must be able to track idle limiter event")
		proc.go#L6241: 		throw("runqputslow: queue is not full")
		proc.go#L6445: 		throw("runqsteal: runq overflow")
		proc.go#L6716: 		throw("recursive call during initialization - linker skew")
		proc.go#L6733: 			throw("inittask with no functions")
		profbuf.go#L217: 		throw("newProfBuf: buffer too large")
		profbuf.go#L308: 		throw("misuse of profBuf.write")
		profbuf.go#L398: 		throw("runtime: profBuf already closed")
		profbuf.go#L523: 		throw("runtime: malformed profBuf buffer - tag and data out of sync")
		profbuf.go#L538: 			throw("runtime: malformed profBuf buffer - invalid size")
		race0.go#L19: func raceReadObjectPC(t *_type, addr unsafe.Pointer, callerpc, pc uintptr)  { throw("race") }
		race0.go#L20: func raceWriteObjectPC(t *_type, addr unsafe.Pointer, callerpc, pc uintptr) { throw("race") }
		race0.go#L21: func raceinit() (uintptr, uintptr)                                          { throw("race"); return 0, 0 }
		race0.go#L22: func racefini()                                                             { throw("race") }
		race0.go#L23: func raceproccreate() uintptr                                               { throw("race"); return 0 }
		race0.go#L24: func raceprocdestroy(ctx uintptr)                                           { throw("race") }
		race0.go#L25: func racemapshadow(addr unsafe.Pointer, size uintptr)                       { throw("race") }
		race0.go#L26: func racewritepc(addr unsafe.Pointer, callerpc, pc uintptr)                 { throw("race") }
		race0.go#L27: func racereadpc(addr unsafe.Pointer, callerpc, pc uintptr)                  { throw("race") }
		race0.go#L28: func racereadrangepc(addr unsafe.Pointer, sz, callerpc, pc uintptr)         { throw("race") }
		race0.go#L29: func racewriterangepc(addr unsafe.Pointer, sz, callerpc, pc uintptr)        { throw("race") }
		race0.go#L30: func raceacquire(addr unsafe.Pointer)                                       { throw("race") }
		race0.go#L31: func raceacquireg(gp *g, addr unsafe.Pointer)                               { throw("race") }
		race0.go#L32: func raceacquirectx(racectx uintptr, addr unsafe.Pointer)                   { throw("race") }
		race0.go#L33: func racerelease(addr unsafe.Pointer)                                       { throw("race") }
		race0.go#L34: func racereleaseg(gp *g, addr unsafe.Pointer)                               { throw("race") }
		race0.go#L35: func racereleaseacquire(addr unsafe.Pointer)                                { throw("race") }
		race0.go#L36: func racereleaseacquireg(gp *g, addr unsafe.Pointer)                        { throw("race") }
		race0.go#L37: func racereleasemerge(addr unsafe.Pointer)                                  { throw("race") }
		race0.go#L38: func racereleasemergeg(gp *g, addr unsafe.Pointer)                          { throw("race") }
		race0.go#L39: func racefingo()                                                            { throw("race") }
		race0.go#L40: func racemalloc(p unsafe.Pointer, sz uintptr)                               { throw("race") }
		race0.go#L41: func racefree(p unsafe.Pointer, sz uintptr)                                 { throw("race") }
		race0.go#L42: func racegostart(pc uintptr) uintptr                                        { throw("race"); return 0 }
		race0.go#L43: func racegoend()                                                            { throw("race") }
		race0.go#L44: func racectxend(racectx uintptr)                                            { throw("race") }
		runtime1.go#L109: 		throw("cas64 failed")
		runtime1.go#L112: 		throw("cas64 failed")
		runtime1.go#L116: 		throw("cas64 failed")
		runtime1.go#L119: 		throw("cas64 failed")
		runtime1.go#L122: 		throw("load64 failed")
		runtime1.go#L126: 		throw("store64 failed")
		runtime1.go#L129: 		throw("xadd64 failed")
		runtime1.go#L132: 		throw("xadd64 failed")
		runtime1.go#L135: 		throw("xchg64 failed")
		runtime1.go#L138: 		throw("xchg64 failed")
		runtime1.go#L169: 		throw("bad a")
		runtime1.go#L172: 		throw("bad b")
		runtime1.go#L175: 		throw("bad c")
		runtime1.go#L178: 		throw("bad d")
		runtime1.go#L181: 		throw("bad e")
		runtime1.go#L184: 		throw("bad f")
		runtime1.go#L187: 		throw("bad g")
		runtime1.go#L190: 		throw("bad h")
		runtime1.go#L193: 		throw("bad i")
		runtime1.go#L196: 		throw("bad j")
		runtime1.go#L199: 		throw("bad k")
		runtime1.go#L202: 		throw("bad l")
		runtime1.go#L205: 		throw("bad unsafe.Sizeof x1")
		runtime1.go#L208: 		throw("bad offsetof y1.y")
		runtime1.go#L211: 		throw("bad unsafe.Sizeof y1")
		runtime1.go#L215: 		throw("bad timediv")
		runtime1.go#L221: 		throw("cas1")
		runtime1.go#L224: 		throw("cas2")
		runtime1.go#L229: 		throw("cas3")
		runtime1.go#L232: 		throw("cas4")
		runtime1.go#L237: 		throw("cas5")
		runtime1.go#L240: 		throw("cas6")
		runtime1.go#L246: 		throw("atomicor8")
		runtime1.go#L252: 		throw("atomicand8")
		runtime1.go#L257: 		throw("float64nan")
		runtime1.go#L260: 		throw("float64nan1")
		runtime1.go#L265: 		throw("float64nan2")
		runtime1.go#L268: 		throw("float64nan3")
		runtime1.go#L273: 		throw("float32nan")
		runtime1.go#L276: 		throw("float32nan1")
		runtime1.go#L281: 		throw("float32nan2")
		runtime1.go#L284: 		throw("float32nan3")
		runtime1.go#L290: 		throw("FixedStack is not power-of-2")
		runtime1.go#L294: 		throw("assembly checks failed")
		runtime1.go#L498: 		throw("cgocheck > 1 mode is no longer supported at runtime. Use GOEXPERIMENT=cgocheck2 at build time instead.")
		rwmutex.go#L65: 			throw("runlock of unlocked rwmutex")
		rwmutex.go#L108: 		throw("unlock of unlocked rwmutex")
		security_unix.go#L61: 			throw("cannot secure fds")
		security_unix.go#L66: 			throw("cannot secure fds")
		security_unix.go#L69: 			throw("cannot secure fds")
		select.go#L224: 				throw("select: broken sort")
		select.go#L291: 		throw("gp.waiting != nil")
		select.go#L377: 		throw("selectgo: bad wakeup")
		sema.go#L117: 		throw("semacquire not on the G stack")
		sema.go#L205: 			throw("corrupted semaphore ticket")
		sema.go#L424: 			throw("semaRoot rotateLeft")
		sema.go#L452: 			throw("semaRoot rotateRight")
		sema.go#L626: 		throw("bad notifyList size")
		signal_unix.go#L103: 		throw("bad sigtable len")
		signal_unix.go#L845: 		throw("unexpected signal during runtime execution")
		signal_unix.go#L858: 		throw("fault")
		signal_unix.go#L875: 		throw("fault")
		signal_unix.go#L888: 		throw("unexpected signal value")
		signal_unix.go#L1035: 	throw("non-Go code disabled sigaltstack")
		signal_unix.go#L1045: 	throw("non-Go code set up signal handler without SA_ONSTACK flag")
		signal_unix.go#L1055: 	throw("signal received during fork")
		sigqueue.go#L102: 			throw("sigsend: inconsistent state")
		sigqueue.go#L145: 				throw("signal_recv: inconsistent state")
		sigqueue_note.go#L15: 	throw("sigNoteSetup")
		sigqueue_note.go#L19: 	throw("sigNoteSleep")
		sigqueue_note.go#L23: 	throw("sigNoteWakeup")
		stack.go#L169: 		throw("cache size must be a multiple of page size")
		stack.go#L201: 			throw("out of memory")
		stack.go#L204: 			throw("bad allocCount")
		stack.go#L207: 			throw("bad manualFreeList")
		stack.go#L220: 		throw("span has no free stacks")
		stack.go#L235: 		throw("freeing stack not in a stack span")
		stack.go#L342: 		throw("stackalloc not on scheduler stack")
		stack.go#L345: 		throw("stack size not a power of 2")
		stack.go#L355: 			throw("out of memory (stackalloc)")
		stack.go#L410: 				throw("out of memory")
		stack.go#L444: 		throw("stack not a power of 2")
		stack.go#L447: 		throw("bad stack size")
		stack.go#L492: 			throw("bad span state")
		stack.go#L627: 				throw("invalid pointer found on stack")
		stack.go#L669: 				throw("bad frame pointer")
		stack.go#L742: 			throw("bad top frame pointer")
		stack.go#L860: 		throw("stack growth not allowed in system call")
		stack.go#L864: 		throw("nil stackbase")
		stack.go#L895: 			throw("racy sudog adjustment due to parking on channel")
		stack.go#L970: 		throw("stack growth after fork")
		stack.go#L976: 		throw("runtime: wrong goroutine in newstack")
		stack.go#L999: 		throw("runtime: stack split at bad time")
		stack.go#L1036: 		throw("missing stack in newstack")
		stack.go#L1051: 		throw("runtime: split stack overflow")
		stack.go#L1056: 			throw("runtime: preempt g0")
		stack.go#L1059: 			throw("runtime: g is running but p is not")
		stack.go#L1107: 		throw("stack overflow")
		stack.go#L1166: 		throw("missing stack in shrinkstack")
		stack.go#L1174: 			throw("bad status in shrinkstack")
		stack.go#L1178: 		throw("shrinkstack at bad time")
		stack.go#L1184: 		throw("shrinking stack in libcall")
		stack.go#L1300: 	throw("attempt to execute system stack code on user stack")
		stkframe.go#L128: 				throw("reflect mismatch")
		stkframe.go#L140: 			throw("reflect mismatch")
		stkframe.go#L195: 			throw("missing stackmap")
		stkframe.go#L202: 				throw("bad symbol table")
		stkframe.go#L222: 			throw("missing stackmap")
		stkframe.go#L227: 			throw("bad symbol table")
		stkframe.go#L268: 		throw("abiRegArgsType needs GC Prog, update methodValueCallFrameObjs")
		stkframe.go#L281: 		throw("methodValueCallFrameObjs is not in a module")
		string.go#L35: 			throw("string concatenation too long")
		string.go#L286: 		throw("out of memory")
		symtab.go#L533: 		throw("invalid function symbol table")
		symtab.go#L554: 			throw("invalid runtime symbol table")
		symtab.go#L562: 		throw("minpc or maxpc invalid")
		symtab.go#L568: 			throw("abi mismatch")
		symtab.go#L604: 			throw("runtime: text offset out of range")
		symtab.go#L875: 			throw("no module data")
		symtab.go#L934: 	throw("invalid runtime symbol table")
		symtab.go#L997: 		throw("bad spdelta")
		symtab.go#L1122: 		throw("stackmapdata: index out of range")
		tagptr_64bit.go#L60: 			throw("check this code for aix on non-ppc64")
		time.go#L262: 		throw("timer when must be positive")
		time.go#L265: 		throw("timer period must be non-negative")
		time.go#L268: 		throw("addtimer called with initialized timer")
		time.go#L298: 		throw("doaddtimer: P already set in timer")
		time.go#L381: 		throw("dodeltimer: wrong P")
		time.go#L415: 		throw("dodeltimer0: wrong P")
		time.go#L441: 		throw("timer when must be positive")
		time.go#L444: 		throw("timer period must be non-negative")
		time.go#L579: 			throw("cleantimers: bad p")
		time.go#L690: 			throw("adjusttimers: bad p")
		time.go#L778: 			throw("runtimer: bad p")
		time.go#L878: 			throw("runOneTimer: unexpected racectx")
		time.go#L994: 			throw("bad timer heap")
		time.go#L999: 		throw("bad timer heap len")
		time.go#L1143: 	throw("timer data corruption")
		trace.go#L496: 				throw("trace: non-empty trace buffer in proc")
		trace.go#L500: 			throw("trace: non-empty global trace buffer")
		trace.go#L503: 			throw("trace: non-empty full trace buffer")
		trace.go#L506: 			throw("trace: reading after shutdown")
		trace.go#L548: 				throw("unexpected trace reader")
		trace.go#L567: 			throw("expected racectx == 0")
		trace.go#L631: 			throw("trace: ReadTrace got invalid frequency")
		trace.go#L838: 		throw("invalid length of trace event")
		trace.go#L1070: 			throw("trace: out of memory")
		trace.go#L1453: 			throw("trace: alloc too large")
		trace.go#L1457: 			throw("trace: out of memory")
		trace.go#L1536: 		throw("double traceGCSweepStart")
		trace.go#L1558: 		throw("missing traceGCSweepStart")
		traceback.go#L150: 		throw("cannot trace user goroutine on its own stack")
		traceback.go#L209: 			throw("unknown pc")
		traceback.go#L369: 				throw("traceback")
		traceback.go#L475: 			throw("unknown caller pc")
		traceback.go#L486: 		throw("traceback stuck")
		traceback.go#L571: 		throw("traceback did not unwind completely")
		type.go#L119: 				throw("runtime: name offset out of range")
		type.go#L134: 		throw("runtime: name offset base pointer out of range")
		type.go#L166: 			throw("runtime: type offset base pointer out of range")
		type.go#L176: 		throw("runtime: type offset out of range")
		type.go#L208: 			throw("runtime: text offset base pointer out of range")
		type.go#L466: 		throw("runtime: impossible type kind")
		unsafe.go#L40: 		throw("checkptr: unsafe.String result straddles multiple allocations")
		unsafe.go#L88: 		throw("checkptr: unsafe.Slice result straddles multiple allocations")